
Good News

Have you noticed that Friday the 13th falls on a Wednesday this month? Thankfully, the superstitious among us really have noting to fear.

New Format

If you missed last week’s episode to open Season 8 of You Were Made for This, episode 201, click here to listen in. One of the things I mentioned there is that we are moving from weekly episodes to a semi-monthly format.

A new episode will drop on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Since today is the 2nd Wednesday, there is no podcast episode. Having said that, I will often connect with you on the other Wednesdays, either through an email like this or a blog post.

New Feature

Another thing I mentioned in last week’s episode is a new feature we’re trying called, “Because Someone Listened.” The way it works is you send me an email or text that completes the start of this sentence,

“Because someone listened….”

It’s meant to be a brief description of what you experienced because someone listened to you. Last week’s episode gave an example.

One New Thing I’ve Been Thinking About

You probably know the story found in Matthew 26 and Mark 14. It’s the story of a woman who pours expensive perfume over Jesus, which evokes indignation from Jesus’ disciples. Jesus responds to their criticism with

“I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.”

I may have heard a sermon about this story, but I certainly don’t remember it. And I know for sure I’ve never been in a discussion about this incident.

This story is dripping with all sorts of relational dynamics that would be worth discussing. I think this is the only time Jesus talked about discussing something. Maybe that’s why the church isn’t a place that focuses on meaningful discussion.

We do well with preaching and talking, but not so much with interacting with spiritual truth and its application in our daily lives. Maybe I’ll do a podcast about this topic. It’s at the heart of a the new initiative I described last week.

A New Podcast that Might Interest You

I’m always looking for a new podcast to listen to besides my own. I came across one a year ago or so that might interest you.

The World and Everything In It is a daily news podcast with a faith based perspective. The quality is top-notch, in my opinion. It has an NPR feel, but with more positive energy about it. Give it a try; you can always unsubscribe.

New Next Week

Next week’s episode, no. 202, is our first interview of the season. It’s with a retired missionary who took her extended family of 17 people to visit the place she and her husband served for many decades. Imagine the luggage. And it all arrived safely!

Until next time, I’ll close with that relationship quote from Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice,

”I wish you all the joy that you can wish.”

John Certalic

You Were Made for This is the podcast sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. If someone has forwarded this email to you, sign up to get your own weekly copy by clicking on follow.