Last week's episode of You Were Made for This, #204, was about a woman taking an unusual marketing approach to get new clients for her coaching business. She posted on the NextDoor social media app a request for 40 “deep conversations” by the time she turned 40 in a few months.
As it turned out, the “deep conversations” request was nothing more than a disguised sales call.
The most interesting aspect of the episode last week was how 99 people responded to this request for a “deep conversation.” People thought they were signing up for a deep interpersonal conversation and not the business marketing call it turned out to be.
Men and women, young and old, all looking for a personal connection, even if it is with a complete stranger. Their responses were quite telling.
If you missed the episode last week, you can listen to it when you Click here.
The show got me thinking not so much about deep conversations, but rather, meaningful ones. Not all deep conversations are meaningful. And not all meaningful conversations are deep.
If I had to choose one over the other, I’d rather have a meaningful conversation. How about you? What qualities make up a meaningful conversation for you?
Next week’s episode, #205, will be my answer this question. But I also would like to know yours. It could very well help all of us have more meaningful interactions with people.
Until Next week, “I wish you all the joy that you can wish.” *
John Certalic
You Were Made for This is the podcast sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. Please consider making a donation so we can continue the podcast and other services we provide missionaries around the world. You can make a tax-deductible contribution to Caring for Others when you click here.
* The Merchant of Venice, Act III, scene 2
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