Donna, a listener from New York, recently sent an email responding to Episodes 29 and 30 of You Were Made for This. These are the episodes dealing with adoption relationships.
Hi John,
I haven’t listened to the new one yet, but I really love your podcasts! I listened to the Memorial Day two-part episode, and was excited to see how God redeemed that mother-daughter relationship. You challenged your listeners regarding ways in which to bless someone who is adopted, and I realized that we are in the process of preparing to go on a vacation this fall with our son Tim and his wife Maria. She was born in Peru, and adopted as a newborn by Canadian missionary parents.
She can probably never find her birth mother. But your podcast made me see our upcoming trip to Peru with them as a beautiful gift that we are giving to each other. Maria invited us to join them. Imagine taking part in the memories of a lifetime ago, and sharing this moment with them. What a gift for each of us! I think it’s a way for Gregg and me to affirm our love for the two of them, by seeing and enjoying the place of her birth and early childhood.
So thanks again for continuing to bless me with new perspectives on relationships.
My reaction
Several things struck me about Donna's email. For example, how many young women invite their in-laws to vacation with them? Especially a vacation as described here.
Imagine what this trip will be like for Maria. Going back to her roots, her origins and the mystery of it all. It makes me wonder what kind of emotions will be stirred up in her. Maria will be going with trusted fellow travelers in her husband and in-laws to the place of her unknown beginnings. They are now the anchors in her life.
I also wonder how her Canadian Missionary parents who adopted her feel about this trip into their daughter's past.
The other thing that stood out for me is how Donna views this trip as more than a vacation. Because she is looking at it through the eyes of her daughter-in-law, she sees it as an opportunity to bless her. Being there with with her and her son, and to share in whatever discoveries await them, is truly a gift.
Sometimes when we take a look at our past it's helpful to have someone look with us.
Who could you be helping to look at their past?
Who can you invite to look at yours? We deepen our relationship with someone when we walk with them as they look at their past. We bless others when we care about the things they care about.
John Certalic
P.S. All 31 episodes of You Were Made for This are available here, or where ever you get your podcasts.
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