
The 218 episodes of our You Were Made for This podcast, as well as our many blog articles, are organized into six categories. This arrangement allows easy access to any relationship topic that might interest you.

Over the summer I wrote to you about three of the six relationship categories:

Finding Joy in Relationships

Family Relationships

Becoming a Better Listener

If you click on any of the links above, you’ll find a list and brief description of each podcast episode or blog article within that category.

Today I want to tell you about one more category:

God in Our Relationships.

Our relationship with God affects all our other relationships. Click here to see the episodes and articles in this category, with a brief description of each one.

I didn’t count the number of podcast episodes or articles, but I’m pretty sure this category has the most. For example, all the Christmas episodes and blog articles about our relationship with God are found here, as well as others. Here are a few examples:

Episode 179: Listen to the Whispers

Episode 172: How to Develop Deeper Relationships

Episode 051: More Than the Music

Until next time, I wish you all the joy that you can wish.*

John Certalic

You Were Made for This is the podcast sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry.

* The Merchant of Venice, Act III, scene 2