Relational Skills

  • Initiate with people to enrich our life

144: Initiate with People to Enrich our Life – Part 2

Deeper relationships develop when we initiate with others. It can lead to great conversations that look like dancing the waltz on a ballroom floor. The other person leads and you follow. Then you lead and they follow. It’s a thing of beauty. In both cases our lives are

144: Initiate with People to Enrich our Life – Part 22022-01-18T08:10:00-06:00
  • Initiate with people to enrich our life

143: Initiate with People to Enrich Our Life – Part 1

You’ve heard this before, everyone has a story. When we take the time to initiate with people to hear their story it enriches our lives. And theirs, too. Today’s episode is an example of initiating with someone and the benefits in doing so. Listen in.

143: Initiate with People to Enrich Our Life – Part 12022-01-14T10:20:20-06:00
  • A written thank you note is a great way to deepen your relationship with someone.

140: Two Relational Benefits to a Thank You Note

A thank you note benefits both the recipient and the writer. It reminds the writer of blessings received, and it motivates the recipient to bless others again. A written thank you note is a great way to deepen your relationship with someone. Last year’s “Make it a Relational

140: Two Relational Benefits to a Thank You Note2021-12-27T11:06:38-06:00
  • A good man creates joy at Christmas when he listens to and obeys God

135: Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy

Joseph The Christmas story reminds us that a good man can bring much joy to the world when he quietly plays his part behind the scenes in furthering God’s redemptive plan for all of humanity. That’s what Joseph did, the earthly father of Jesus. And we can do the

135: Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy2024-02-02T09:24:11-06:00

114: Learn How to Age Well in 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 114, “Learn how to Age Well in 2021.” Before we get started Several weeks ago a family friend stopped over to our house, and on her way out the door, she said, “Oh, by the way, I listened to your podcast this

114: Learn How to Age Well in 20212021-09-22T13:09:38-05:00

096: Meaningful Questions Create Meaningful Relationships

Meaningful questions create meaningful relationships. When asked for the right reasons they connect us with one another in beautiful ways. Hello everyone and welcome to episode 96. Today we consider how asking meaningful questions help create meaningful relationships. We’ve been talking about the 3 components of the O.R.A.

096: Meaningful Questions Create Meaningful Relationships2021-09-22T13:09:41-05:00
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