
A Listening Mistake

A missionary and You Were Made for This listener texted me recently. “Did you ever hit times where you were tired of ‘worrying about your kids? I’m at that point this morning.” I responded with “Sometimes its hard to turn off the worry, isn’t it?” The listener wrote back: “Yes

A Listening Mistake2019-12-21T11:23:03-06:00

The One Thing I Did Not Forget

I found a relationship poem in a leadership book I came across a number of years ago. I forgot everything else I read in that book, except the poem entitled “Threads.” Odd, isn’t it? A poem about leadership? To be a poet of any worth one needs to be a

The One Thing I Did Not Forget2019-07-25T16:54:45-05:00

A Haunting Email

I received this email arrived recently from one of our podcast listeners, who also happens to be a personal friend. She wrote: I can’t stop listening to your podcasts. They make me smile. I can’t stop thinking that had I listened to these 4 years ago I would still be

A Haunting Email2019-07-19T12:19:20-05:00

027: When He Asks to Marry Your Daughter

We knew it was coming. Our 22-year-old daughter Jennifer had already told us they were planning to get married.  So the priority mail letter I received from her boyfriend Tim, inviting me to breakfast, was a tip-off the size of Mt. Rushmore.  Here's how this important conversation went down.

027: When He Asks to Marry Your Daughter2021-09-22T11:35:17-05:00

026: When You Don’t Know What to Do

When relationships problems stare us in the face, we sometimes freeze, retreat, and do nothing. Today’s episode suggests another approach for when we just don’t know what to do.

026: When You Don’t Know What to Do2021-09-22T13:23:49-05:00

025: The Toughest Job in America

No matter how difficult our job, there are ways to view our work and daily responsibilities that can bring out the best in us, and draw us closer to God. Listen in to learn how to be encouraged when our 9 – 5 activities are getting us down.

025: The Toughest Job in America2021-09-22T13:14:27-05:00
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