
  • Tenderness

181: Tenderness Found in Two Unusual Places

A friend I hadn’t seen in a while asked me the other day what was going on in my life. “Lots of death,” I said, filling in my response with examples.. Another thing going on was a moment of tenderness I saw in a man consoling his wife

181: Tenderness Found in Two Unusual Places2022-10-20T18:38:36-05:00
  • An Unusual place to find joy

180: An Unusual Place to Find Joy

You wouldn’t think you could find joy in the midst of difficult life events, but you can if you know how to look for it. Today’s episode is an interview with someone who did just that. Stuck in the world’s busiest airport after her flight was canceled, Our

180: An Unusual Place to Find Joy2022-10-20T18:49:32-05:00
  • More joy comes into our relationships when we listen well

179: Listen to the Whispers

It seems to me that we are living in an increasingly noisy world. So many sounds, so many words, so many messages competing for our attention. I’m going to tell you a story today about how someone communicated with whispers that drowned out all the noise in the

179: Listen to the Whispers2022-10-20T18:48:32-05:00
  • in good relationships people listen to each other

178: Good Relationships in Action

There are so many thoughts about relationships running around in my head lately that I’ve wanted to share with you. They’ve been like little kids scrambling for the candy thrown from 4th of July floats parading down the street. I’ll tell you about a few of them in

178: Good Relationships in Action2022-10-20T18:47:35-05:00
  • We don't always have to be right

177: How to Relate With High-Maintenance People

I received a disturbing email from a missionary serving overseas the other day that mentioned a relationship challenge he and his wife were facing. It’s an issue most of us have had to handle at one time or another. Namely, how to relate with high-maintenance people. It’s the

177: How to Relate With High-Maintenance People2022-09-07T10:18:53-05:00
  • The joy of relationships in watching others

176: The Joy of Relationships by Watching Others

In episode 166 a few months ago I shared stories about how we can experience the joy of relationships when people spread a little relational sunshine around. Today’s episode is another story that shows how it’s done. A story that will make you smile. One you can adapt

176: The Joy of Relationships by Watching Others2022-10-20T18:45:58-05:00
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