
  • Why should I listen to this podcast?

139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?

Do yourself a favor and listen to this podcast to get the most out of the relationships God places in your path. You’ll be inspired to see the joy in them in new and refreshing ways. When I started this podcast in late 2018 there were about 500,000

139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?2022-02-02T12:09:40-06:00
  • Real Christmas joy is found in Jesus.

138: End the Year with Real Christmas Joy

Our fallen world makes it hard at times to see the real Christmas joy God gives us through his son Jesus. But if we’re open to finding it in unusual places it will show up sometimes in surprising ways. In the Christmas story found in Luke’s gospel, we

138: End the Year with Real Christmas Joy2021-12-06T19:20:16-06:00
  • The Christmas story for 2022 is All About Jesus

137: Bonus Episode – The Christmas Story for 2021

The Christmas story for 2021, like the first one, is all about Jesus. Mary treasured its many details and thought about them often. May we do the same. So here's the original story told in Luke's Gospel, just as it happened: At that time the Roman emperor, Augustus,

137: Bonus Episode – The Christmas Story for 20212021-11-30T13:33:03-06:00
  • Observe, reflect, and ponder the joy of God saving us from ourselves.

136: Make it a Mary Christmas this Year

The best way to have a Merry Christmas this year is to make it a Mary Christmas. Do what Mary, the mother of Jesus did. Observe, reflect, and ponder the joy of God saving us from ourselves. Listen in to learn how. In the midst of all the

136: Make it a Mary Christmas this Year2021-11-29T13:53:55-06:00
  • A good man creates joy at Christmas when he listens to and obeys God

135: Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy

Joseph The Christmas story reminds us that a good man can bring much joy to the world when he quietly plays his part behind the scenes in furthering God’s redemptive plan for all of humanity. That’s what Joseph did, the earthly father of Jesus. And we can do the

135: Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy2024-02-02T09:24:11-06:00
  • A better Christmas joy is the joy shared when people visit.

134: A Better Kind of Christmas Joy

When we celebrate together all the great things God has done for each of us, we experience a better kind of Christmas joy than the world experiences in Christmas traditions and family gatherings. For example, as you and I think of the joy of Christmas what usually comes

134: A Better Kind of Christmas Joy2021-11-08T20:59:37-06:00
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