
114: Learn How to Age Well in 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 114, “Learn how to Age Well in 2021.” Before we get started Several weeks ago a family friend stopped over to our house, and on her way out the door, she said, “Oh, by the way, I listened to your podcast this

114: Learn How to Age Well in 20212021-09-22T13:09:38-05:00

113: Our Choices Define Us, Not Our Personality

Our choices define us, not our personality. We are what we choose to make happen, and how we choose to respond to whatever may happen to us. Hello everyone and welcome to episode 113. If you’ve listened to this program for any length of time you know I

113: Our Choices Define Us, Not Our Personality2021-09-22T13:21:18-05:00

112: Three Ways to Listen Well in 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 112, Three Ways to Listen Well in 2021. When I give workshops on how to listen well I like to give examples of both good and bad listening. I usually use samples of both from Facebook posts or catchy cartoons. But these

112: Three Ways to Listen Well in 20212021-09-22T13:21:21-05:00

111: How to Find Rest in Difficult Circumstances

Often when we’re tired and burdened, Jesus shows up in unusual ways, inviting us to find rest in him in the midst of difficult circumstances. Keep reading to learn How to Find Rest in Difficult Circumstances. Have you ever found yourself so weary and tired because of a

111: How to Find Rest in Difficult Circumstances2021-09-22T13:15:38-05:00

110: Relationships We Didn’t Choose

Relationships we pursue, that we choose, can be fulfilling because they meet a need we have. We have a measure of control in these relationships. They are the low-hanging fruit of the relational world. But relationships we didn’t choose can be just as fulfilling and life-giving. Keep listening

110: Relationships We Didn’t Choose2021-09-22T13:21:24-05:00

109: Rekindle Relationships by Remembering

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 109, Rekindle Relationships by Remembering. Because of the global pandemic, it had been about 15 months since my wife Janet and I last saw our friend in person. I’ll call her “Katherine,” a name I’m making up because she is a very

109: Rekindle Relationships by Remembering2021-09-22T13:21:28-05:00
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