
036: Investing in Relationships

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 036, Investing in Relationships. Before we get into this topic with two guests I interview on today’s show, there are a two quick items I want to mention. First off, for those who would rather read the content of each episode, you

036: Investing in Relationships2021-09-22T12:49:30-05:00

A Listening Mistake

A missionary and You Were Made for This listener texted me recently. “Did you ever hit times where you were tired of ‘worrying about your kids? I’m at that point this morning.” I responded with “Sometimes its hard to turn off the worry, isn’t it?” The listener wrote back: “Yes

A Listening Mistake2019-12-21T11:23:03-06:00

Something So Simple

Janet and I always look forward to our missionary friends from South America coming into town every three years or so on their home assignment. We’ve known this couple for decades; decades they’ve spent planting and supporting tribal churches along the Amazon River in Brazil. While at lunch with them

Something So Simple2019-07-24T09:12:57-05:00

The Well We Draw From

A listener to my podcast from New Jersey, and former missionary to Spain, recently sent me the following email: Hi, John! Thanks so much for your podcasts! I’ve learned so much, and have found that even though I’ve been off the mission field for a number of years, God is

The Well We Draw From2019-07-19T12:20:03-05:00

Blessing Someone Who is Adopted

Donna, a listener from New York, recently sent an email responding to Episodes 29 and 30 of You Were Made for This. These are the episodes dealing with adoption relationships. Hi John, I haven’t listened to the new one yet, but I really love your podcasts! I listened to the

Blessing Someone Who is Adopted2019-07-19T12:20:45-05:00

The Rhythm in Living Overseas

After You Were Made for This episode 31 (about our relationship with the rhythm of time) aired on June 12, I received this email from a missionary living in the Mideast: John, Thank you for the the insights of this past season. I have enjoyed listening to you while cooking

The Rhythm in Living Overseas2019-07-13T17:01:11-05:00
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